Moving image Studios continues to provide the very best video production at the most affordable prices because we understand that every project has a budget. Our low overhead and flexible rates for crew, equipment and post production gives Moving image Studios the ability to meet those budgets where other production companies cannot.
Nothing is more exciting to us than the prospect of a new project! Getting our crew and equipment on location is what we are all about! Taking an idea and bringing it to life through moving image and sound using all the skills and tools at our disposal to craft a video that achieves the results our client intended is our ultimate goal.
On location. Where all the magic happens! Lights! Camera! Action!
Professional Video Production: Pay Less and Get More!
Is there a way to pay less for professional video production? The answer to that question is YES! But in order to achieve an affordable rate you have to understand how the video production business works. The cost for video production can be broken into 2 parts. PART 1.) The true unavoidable cost of crew, equipment and post production (editing the video) PART 2.) Administrative fees including office space, salaried staff and markups. Here's a tip: You can avoid PART 2 if you use the right company. (See Method #4 below)
Ask good questions and get better answers
Every business has something about it that is unique. Something that sets it apart from other businesses even if its products and services are similar. It's our job as a video production company to understand and communicate what those differences are and what makes that business exceptional. We have to ask the right questions to get the right answers.
We Love a Challenge!
At Moving image Studios we welcome challenges and the most recent project we completed certainly fit that description! The City of Angleton needed a marketing video for an important city vote being held in one week. It was on very short notice and we started with no media assets or script.